This micro-app can be downloaded from the official website of the app.
To make this procedure easier, the creators of Hiren's BootCD PE have also made a small application for that purpose - ISO2USB. In order to transfer data from inside the ISO package to the USB stick, users will have to take advantage of any available third-party dedicated apps that can work with bootable ISO archives.

The app does not feature any UI or customization option and is instead already coming in a fully ready state. To create the emergency bootable drive, users will only need to download and burn an ISO file (file size is substantial and clocks in at almost 3GB in size!). And not only that, the bootable OS is accompanied by an incredible variety of preinstalled freeware apps that can help not only in diagnostics and troubleshooting of various issues (many of them focused on storage and fixing OS issues), but also a wide array of antivirus software, productivity apps, and even multimedia applications. While there are many other applications and OS distributions that can create bootable USB drives, Hiren's BootCD PE is notable because it is fully focused on providing a live OS environment that is powered by Windows 10 and Windows 11, the OS that is best known to novice PC users.
Hiren bootcd 15.2 iso drivers#
To facilitate the easiest live boot experience, Win10 OS (updated to the almost latest public version), the package also features hundreds and hundreds of hardware accessory drivers, which can help the user to instantly get control over their PC without the need to download online drivers for various IO, network, and storage accessories on their PC. Hiren's BootCD PE (Preinstallation Environment) is a free comprehensive backup and recovery solution that can help all desktop and laptop users to quickly, easily, and securely boot their stricken PC and gain access to their hardware, local storage, and valuable personal data inside a live preinstalled Windows 10/11 environment located on a bootable USB drive.